About Us

Mission and Objectives

The core mission of The international society of ergonomics is to advance and enrich the realm of Human Factors / Ergonomics (HFE) science and its practical applications. This involves extending the reach of HFE’s impact on society, ultimately elevating the quality of human life. This pursuit is achieved through close collaboration with affiliated societies, networks, and pertinent international entities.

The primary objectives of the ISE encompass:

Facilitate Effective Communication and Collaboration: Cultivate improved channels of interaction and cooperation among federated societies, fostering a more cohesive HFE community.

Elevate Global HFE Science and Practice: Propel the evolution of HFE science and its real-world implementation on an international scale, fostering innovation and best practices.

Amplify HFE’s Societal Contribution: Strengthen the role of HFE in making meaningful contributions to worldwide society, addressing diverse challenges and enhancing well-being.

Furthermore, the existing Seven Strategic Policies of the The International Society Of Ergonomics are as follows:

Engage Stakeholders: Foster meaningful engagement with stakeholders to better understand their needs and perspectives, promoting a well-rounded approach to HFE.

Strengthen Collaborative Networks: Reinforce and expand networks within the ISE to harness collective knowledge, expertise, and resources for mutual growth.

Champion HFE Science and Innovation: Actively advocate for the advancement of HFE science, technology, and practical methodologies, ensuring its continuous development.

Promote Education, Standards, and Certification: Drive the promotion of HFE education, professional standards, and certifications, thereby ensuring a skilled and competent HFE workforce.

Cultivate External Partnerships: Forge and nurture robust relationships with external partners, creating opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration and broader influence.

Enhance Association Infrastructure: Bolster the foundational structures of the association, empowering it to efficiently achieve its objectives and navigate future challenges.

Embrace a Forward-Looking Perspective: Maintain a forward-focused approach, ensuring that HFE remains adaptable and responsive to emerging trends and future demands.